Sunday, May 21, 2017

First Till Seventeenth

The last seventeen photos you’ll see on my Instagram account this month are reflections of God’s grace and mercy in my life. A picture represents each year about my character, adventure, endeavor, and friendship in this country indicatively–my real world–it doesn’t matter whether it was a struggle to eke out a living or a thrill of victory–both subsist to define me. My apology if I can’t post all of them here, but you can view them or click this hashtag (#firstillseventeenth). You may also want to follow me on Instagram, please feel free to do so. Here is my account name (#popoythewanderer). Thanks a billion!

When time flies, it really sprints. I thought it was just yesterday, but my wrinkles can’t deny it. Forget my age. I have been here long enough to tell stories. Looking at those images and ponders upon the messages behind every journey, I am so overwhelmed–forever grateful. Life was so difficult to bear for so many times, and yet the goodness of my Creator has helped me get through it one step at a time. Now they are memories to cherish for as long as I live. Those were the days as many call it. It is another story for me though–they’re more than that–they’re undeserved grace rather. And for every experience blew me away. I’m not actually sure whether or not it’s a great idea to unveil myself a little bit more here (I mean giving my Instagram account), but I’ll give a shot. It is my first time to do it here as it was on Facebook. Please celebrate with me!

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