Sunday, October 30, 2011



For as long as I am in this country and so hitting the road every now and then is part of it. It’s a beautiful thing in fact, but not when you see fatal things along the way – God forbid. It’s a no-choice- situation as well… to hit the road.

Now I believe it’s my destiny. No matter how I tried avoiding such a journey, I always find myself in it. And just when I thought of having a break from this sort of thing, there came another convoy.

And there another one!


And there another one!



As always we take advantage on every holiday marked in our calendar. And hitting the road is an unavoidable means. Then we must follow the track to see different things out there. It is not easy for it takes risk. But thank God for his sufficient grace and protection.

Whether for serious matter or just for fun thing, we must hit the road to get what we wanted. At times it is very inconvenient especially for me. As I hit the road, paranoia hits my mind as well. I could not stand looking at the dying bodies in the street.

And so I must hit the road, and then hit the road, and then hit the road.

Every time my visa expires, I needed to leave home and hit the road. It’s an hour motorbike drive to get to the border. And then another hour drives to get back home. This is when I said before about the hassle of visa issue. This driving seems short hour but it is like forever. Thank God for his protection.

Whenever there’s an invitation to another village, I’ve to take the risk and hit the road on a motorbike ride. This is my very life here. It’s not like eight years ago when I still had two cars and drivers driving me anywhere. For me to see different lifestyles in villages is but taking risk at the same time.

On every occasion big or small, I must hit the road again in order to share good company among my hosts. As always I see my self in a long and winding road. But it doesn’t matter because beautiful memories await me at the end of that road.

I don’t know when this scenario will end. For as long as I am in this country, so hitting the road is truly part of it. Next week is another big holiday anticipated. And so another thing on the go – HIT THE ROAD!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Some people invest wealth. Others invest property and land. The rest invest depending on their preferred interest. And I invest friendship – one that lasts eternally.

It is a priceless treasure the world can offer. It is a wonderful gift from above. And so every friend along the way is worth investing.

Today I am so blessed in the presence of these friends- old and new. Another bunch of joy my heart cherishes. Two different individuals have come around this table through a common link – ME.


The guy in white shirt is Nhan. He is an old friend. He used to be my student for few years. And then became one of the staff at the English club we established (still existing). Now he’s very familiar with Filipino culture and food for his strong attachment to us. And he knows us by heart more than just his friends. Through thick and thin he stood by us.

The first time I met him he was just a student but now a very learned person. Speaking of success, he is now a man with a career working in one of the biggest hotels in the country. So proud!

Another friend is David. I met him three weeks ago at the fellowship. He is also a local in this country (Vietnam). He has been attached to Filipino friends and community for quite sometime now. I like his enthusiasm serving the Master. He has a great inclination in music, and awesome baritone voice.

He is a person full of big dreams, and has a big heart serving the needy. I wish him all the best in life. I can’t wait to see all those desires fulfilled.

Two friends old and new are both blessings from God.

Each one is someone’s friend – my INVESTMENT.



Seat No.20 – that’s it!

I had this seat booked ahead of time. Lo and behold, one funny little granny had just settled in. What can I do then? Kindness! Yes, but to show her this. And so I had her my spot seated.

“Est-ce que vouz parlez Francais?” She asked if I speak French. “Qui! Juste un peu” It means yes, a little. Only to find out she is a multi-lingual granny. Surprisingly, I haven’t met yet such a kind of granny my whole life here. She speaks four languages – French, Chinese, Khmer and Vietnamese.

At least three of these languages I do speak - enough to get a conversation. She was surprised to know about that. But I told her how I ended up speaking these languages.

Our conversation lasted for a while. And in that span of time we both figured out something. I - the friendliest mammal on earth while SHE - the funniest and craftiest granny I have known.

When she found out that I worked for an NGO, she then took the opportunity to plug in her agenda. But sad to say my organization caters drop out youths and not aged individuals. I didn’t want to give her false hopes, so I just told her I’d keep in touch if I know one in this endeavor.


She was very insistent about asking help. So she reminded me the whole time through. “I am poor and got no money. I am lonely and alone.” was her persistent pleading. So annoying! Thanks to my I-Pod!

She was crafty too, but I, a keen observer unluckily. She was a drama queen enough to convince someone of her personal things. She reminded me of another crafty granny back in our trip to Hoi Anh (central part of Vietnam) with my friend Andrew. I can her Andrew now bursting in laughter. She is just cunning!

How come this poor little granny has a passport?

And what is this traveling about?

Come on!

When I saw her counting money, she was defensive enough to tell… “Not mine!” She was with two grown up people – a grandson and a nephew. At the border, she handed some medicines she brought from Vietnam to a pretty granddaughter in her expensive motorbike. Poor, huh!

She got off the bus together with his family five minutes off the city. “Please don’t forget to help me. And good luck!” her last words. In that area, I bet she lives in a very conducive house. But I just could not understand her intention.

Well, enough with this inquisition, for now let me speak out my heart – she is the funniest and craftiest little granny I have conversed so far.

Monday, October 3, 2011

TNT: Treat ‘n Trick


…A treat…

All of a sudden, I was craving for a cake. I don’t really fancy cake over fruits or chips for snacks – this time was so bowled over for buying a slice. Unbelievable!

Lately today I had a piece of Glazed Chocolate Cake!

I had one reason for choosing over a cake (any cake would do though). I thought of having a shift delight than my usual in-between-meals. It would be a great idea since I couldn’t have such in the village. And so I did!

Certainly to celebrate my holiday and the numerous blessings I received – through a cake. My watery mouth could not wait to have it consumed. It looked delicious!

So I had my first scoop of a cake to take pleasure in. And then a scoop after another hopefully to gratify my craving from this cake’s sweet savor.


…A Trick…

I was tricked!

It didn’t come out as predicted. The cake was only alluring my big eyes could see. It was very fool of me not to remember anything.

Suddenly I realized I had this before by mistake. It was exactly the same way as I was tricked today. But four years was too long ago to recall – not that I had it again.

And today I had a piece of Glazed Chocolate Cake.

What a name!

Yes. It only sounded good but the taste was a real glaze – boringly glazed indeed. It tasted funny, too. And what could I do? I’ve discovered the moment of truth after three scoops of attempts. Sorry.

As regrettable as it was, but it would not change a thing – a treat is treat, and a trick is a trick.

A treat to be grateful for the many good things I bountifully received.

And a trick so I would learn a lesson from the same mistake I had.

That's life...sometimes we get a treat and sometimes we get tricked.

And at times we also get both - a treat 'n trick.


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Boxes of Mahalo

For the sake of information, “mahalo” is a Hawaiian word for thank you. I’ve learned it from a roommate who speaks the language himself.

In whatever language this word (mahalo) is spoken, what counts is the attitude of the heart. That’s when we think and rethink of the plentiful grace we received each single day – surprised or looked forward to.

If one is thankful enough.

Now, I am un-wrapping every box with a grateful heart. And each box represents a reason and a story to tell.

I once thought last week that this trip was a dilemma, but it came out ironic. Surprised! At the closing of day a blessed reunion was prepared.

I am talking about my longtime friends from Honolulu while I was still in Saigon. Even electronics didn’t get us in touched for almost three years – now what a joy in their presence.


We always had get-together since they visit the country yearly. Sometimes we met up twice a year - but not when I moved to Cambodia. In whatever ways we gathered, each memory remains a lasting joy to cherish; and to be thankful about.

I was missed, so were they. Not enough time though, but that two-nights-gathering filled my longings to see them. And yet in a surprising way when thing wasn’t expected the most. As we sent them off goodbye, we hugged each one with a warm aloha and A big MAHALO.


Tito Randy and mate Andrew…. thank you so much for your life – I feel blessed.

Saigon is always a home no matter where I am; and no matter what destiny’s in stored for me. There is always a comeback – not for power or fame but simply to see friends missed. They are true friends in good times and in bad times (agreeing with the song).

So another endless mahalo my heart utters.

To Ate Eva, Ate Chona, Ate Sony, Ate Doris, Angie, Bhab, April, Ging, Tung, Nhan, Binh, IF Family, and Saigon Ultimate Frisbee Club – my sincere mahalo for the friendships.



Maybe I already have mentioned this in my previous write-up, but it’s worth retelling.

One of the many blessings I had here in Saigon was my landlady. She has been so kind to me up to this time point. As long as she is in the country (for she travels a lot), I’m always favored staying for free in one of the rooms at her apartment.

That I may enjoy the company of my friends who are staying the same apartment - whenever there is a party especially.


So really kind of her!

Now I am enjoying my break and with a thankful heart.

A big MAHALO to you guys!