Saturday, May 27, 2017

Funny Name, Beautiful Falls.

It is utterly a household word within the vicinity, but it isn’t worthy of the name itself. So when I posted some photos on Facebook, I gave this amazing nature justice by leaving a beautiful mark–an epithet it truly deserves. Of course, I won’t change its name. They call it Tongtong falls which was simply derived from the sounds of falling waters…“tong, tong, tong.”  My co-teachers had been talking about it for the past days and persuaded me to visit the place itself. But I just couldn’t find a spare time on the weekdays because of an overload teaching hours–nine hours a day. At long last, yesterday was a glorious moment to have seen and indulged it myself. If my memory serves me correctly, the last time I had my whole body in contact with falls and flowing streams, soaking wet was five years ago. I hope it won’t take another five years to experience the same awesome thing.      

Thought I had my last post for this month a day ago, but just couldn’t restrain this feeling–happy as a clam. The scenery was simple and yet breathtaking. I fell in love and had a good time after all the weariness. The pictures I shared on social media had hit likes, but that wasn’t the reason for my jumping joy, it was this rare opportunity to get closer to natures, enjoy the moment, and appreciate life after all. I would love to go there again, but hoping for a longer stay. We were there for only an hour because it was already late afternoon. Happy weekends everyone!  

Friday, May 26, 2017

Listening Art–The Art of Listening

My drawing from the story
Students who got the instructions right.

Last Thursday afternoon was another unmitigated disaster as fifty learners swarmed in my tiny classroom. I was caught off guard by the situation. In a normal manner, I teach twenty children this hour. And a large number like thirty is too much–now fifty. Wow! And when it happens, it drives me nut. The rule is the students must inform the receptionist if they couldn’t study in the morning, but nobody did–not even one. Sending half of the students back home it wasn’t a perfect idea. I had to do something else impromptu even if it took me changing my activities for the day. What about playing any game? “No!” defied my unmerciful instinct. Not this time–not in this tiny, crowded room. Guess what? I came with up a listening art where no messy movements are involved. After giving a few instructions (wondering if they could hear me well for being noisy), there came silence. Thanks goodness, it turned out so well.

In this particular activity, I had to tell them a very short story about me having an adventure in a dream. I told it as vivid and as colorful as I could describing each picture and character until they grasped the whole scenario enough–in a hope I will be able to see at least a fifty percent of mutual communication. When I checked their art works this morning, only two kids got it right. Some got it closely right but not that enough. They have to learn the art of listening and its importance. In fact, each one of them can draw beautifully and no doubts about it. But that task wasn’t about who could bring out the most colorful or unique or eccentric portrait–it was all about following instructions. I didn’t ask them to draw exactly like I did, but all I needed to see was the right placement of every object or nature–the right color would also help. I think have to give more activities like this in the future. 

Students' artworks colorfully and uniquely done.
Students' artworks colorfully and uniquely done.


The past sixteen weeks until tonight I feel so out-and-out drained. But life in this world isn’t compared to a doughnut at all times. Whether or not it is pleasant or in-between, I just have to deal with it. I know it is easier said than done. If only destiny could speak audibly, it could have told me: “He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens.” This is my present circumstance–jaded. Honestly, I am exerting extra efforts to remain firm under my own tribulation–of teaching hours and hours a day, but my weariness is really to the brim–so sick of it. Not sure if I could still take it for another month or even have a ken left for this sitch. No matter how I turned a blind eye to about this how-do-you-do condition, it just stings too much–like so much to bear.

Let me clarify this, I don’t hate teaching but handling kids is a different story. And also I’ve been doing this for seventeen years. You know what it means–it is no longer exciting like it used to. Well, no one said that educating toddlers or young ones is a jackpot or always up for grabs–it’s the total opposite sad to say. Perhaps in my case is age issue. I am getting older and my tolerance with small learners is deteriorating unlike my first ten years in this endeavor. I can still remember vividly my first love for mock teaching as a child, but those were the days. I hope there is an instant cure for being jaded. I would love to experience it right this moment. But this is not how life turns out in reality. For now I just have to connive at this obvious torment of mine. My heart is agonizing, but I am hoping to have a final decision soon–to wait or leave.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Two-day Arts

Two arts, two days in a row I thought were too much. But my learners can actually draw or color forever. I forgot they are kids. Thank God it saved me from talking. As a teacher, wordless days are also needed–let’s say once in a while. Don’t get me wrong though, this is not about making smoke and mirrors. We just had our successive review for three days and felt like they had enough to absorb. And so activities like these help unwind.  

Drawing, painting, sketching, and the like are not really my inclination. Happy to say, it doesn’t make me a less lover of arts. When I became an ESL educator from seventeen years ago, I took the initiative of loving them. I learned to draw–something like that. Perhaps I would realize soon that there must be a hidden talent from these. Ha, lo and behold, I don’t find any. My kids actually do better than I am when I was their age. I still draw until this time point for my materials and flashcards to use, but I’m not yet an expert. There were even funny situations when my students didn’t understand what I was trying to show. Once I had shown them a mango and was mistaken as a pear. This is what I define as: “someone’s delight, somebody’s agony”–an inseparable existence for as long as I teach kids. Of course, I just don’t let my kids draw or do arts. I always take this as an opportunity to empower them and advocate something aside from focusing on necessary lessons. Today, it was all for expressing feelings and developing confidence as they explained what they had. Here are mine. Please forgive me for these ones.  


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Think, Please!

“Think!” I would tell my young learners for gazillion times, in different tones. It is usually uttered in humorous ways but not when I muttered this imperative word. In my recent tiny world where learning is a spoon-feeding a way, it doesn’t work for me. I need to defy this gravity. And my secret recipe to start with, I bet you know this–it is a critical thinking. I usually encourage these children to think critically in a good way. I do believe that even as young as they are, they can reflect on things wonderfully or uniquely. Each one has an admirable piece of blue-sky thinking. This has been my silent advocacy for countless years. Whether or not an activity prepared is complex, it is always a brilliant idea to beat one’s brains out–not necessarily to be of like mind as mine.

No, no, no! I don’t fancy standards in teaching, but I always give my best for my kids–all that I have, all that I am. It is not my custom to set criterions either. For one big thing, everyone is disparate. There is a tendency to only compare. And it is not my inclination sorry to say. My deepest desire is for my learners to think freely even if it starts with a wishful thinking. I will never set such huge expectation using my own measuring rod. If you mean about quality of teaching, yes, I do have that without a doubt. This week is our review time for the upcoming exams. I am doing my hardest for them to pass–to learn above all. From simple to seemingly complicated assessments, unless they will use their gumption and common sense, everything will be alright then. “THINK, Please!” There I go again.  

Sunday, May 21, 2017

First Till Seventeenth

The last seventeen photos you’ll see on my Instagram account this month are reflections of God’s grace and mercy in my life. A picture represents each year about my character, adventure, endeavor, and friendship in this country indicatively–my real world–it doesn’t matter whether it was a struggle to eke out a living or a thrill of victory–both subsist to define me. My apology if I can’t post all of them here, but you can view them or click this hashtag (#firstillseventeenth). You may also want to follow me on Instagram, please feel free to do so. Here is my account name (#popoythewanderer). Thanks a billion!

When time flies, it really sprints. I thought it was just yesterday, but my wrinkles can’t deny it. Forget my age. I have been here long enough to tell stories. Looking at those images and ponders upon the messages behind every journey, I am so overwhelmed–forever grateful. Life was so difficult to bear for so many times, and yet the goodness of my Creator has helped me get through it one step at a time. Now they are memories to cherish for as long as I live. Those were the days as many call it. It is another story for me though–they’re more than that–they’re undeserved grace rather. And for every experience blew me away. I’m not actually sure whether or not it’s a great idea to unveil myself a little bit more here (I mean giving my Instagram account), but I’ll give a shot. It is my first time to do it here as it was on Facebook. Please celebrate with me!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Endless Ceremony

Living in this country for long drawn-out years, I’d say is enough to know things without a doubt. But don’t get me wrong because I’m not trying to act like I have all the answers. Maybe it is just me who fancies giving a fig especially about cultures. And what you are about to read is not a speculation or a disparagement. It is a reality I keep seeing and hearing almost every single day–a lifestyle including everybody’s goings-on wherein I also take part if necessary. Regardless of my cognizance about these happenings (these endless ceremonies to heed), still caught surprised how this village in particular never runs out of something to celebrate or mourn–only in this village. I have stayed in different provinces and villages in Cambodia, but nothing compares to this place. I wonder! Name it…birthday, wedding, housewarming, death and anniversary, engagement ceremony, and more–each is valued the same.  

As in right now, I am hearing prayers and chants being recited by monks, songs being sung live by wedding singers, the bangs and gongs of classical instruments are also in the air–like few meters away–all in a loud sound through megaphone speakers echoing even to the farthest neighboring communes. Tomorrow will even be louder, if not loudest–only who are used to it can bear these blare and toot. I am not whining although it is caused too much annoyance at times, this is just out of curiosity from unanswered queries perhaps. Every day there’s at least something to look forward to happily or to attend to sadly. Do remind me to come in out of the rain so that I will understand that I’m actually an outsider. Besides, this is just how life goes here.

Monday, May 15, 2017

No More Visa Agony!

Only a few people knew where I went to early this morning. Just got back in Phnom Penh twenty minutes ago. Now, I am sitting relaxed in a coffee shop. Before this was a battle mentally without knowing what this trip might end up. Graciously, it went so well. Thankfully, it was another jaw-dropping visa run–a special answered prayer. My patience and perseverance at last reaped a wonderful outcome. I’ve been doing this for seventeen years but each time never runs out of new things to experience. The key to this is submission– one’s willingness to humble and learn.

Finally, my agony was over today–at least this year. It was agonizing because I had to spend more money, time, and energy. But it was in this seemingly suffering God had proven His sufficient provision, strength, and protection. I am extremely jumping about this good news. Well, I already got the transition visa which is a very important requirement availing a long-stay visa in this current country where I am now. It was the sixth in and out in three months. Imagine. So tired of it humanly speaking but today I felt like a million thorns were pulled out from my body. No more long and unwanted trip like this one–no more visa agony to bear. Praised be to the Sustainer of Life!      

Climbed Up Mount Udong

If only I believe in coincidence, then I would not hesitate to say I’m a fan. But having superiors who do care about me and love me like a family, it is undeserved grace.  Hope this confession doesn’t make others feels bad or cause commotion. I am not trying to lift my own chair–it is never my intention. I am just being happy. Thankful people have taught me to be a grateful person in small and big things.

The school trip yesterday with staff and admin was another long but unwinding–unplanned though. We had fun and it was worth the company. Most importantly, I was blessed knowing I was in the presence of kind people. Hopefully, they are my friends and home for the rest of this year. We went up, up, and up to Mount Udong. I had chills to see the Creator’s wonderful creations–from an eagle’s eye and a bird’s eye view. Forever thankful. 

Friday, May 12, 2017

Remind Me It's Friday

Time flies and I am normally pleased with the way it sprints, but not this week. I do not want to hold it longer either because of some annoying things must be solved–some concerns only people of the same boat comprehend. It is already Friday and yet I don’t have that feeling of anticipation. My mind is so preoccupied with a lot of cares–like numerous ones to attend.

After my class this morning, I announced to my kids about another big holiday that is soon to take place (as in three days off). That’s when I came to my senses it is actually the end of a particular weekdays. My worries perhaps forbade me from looking forward to it. Many people say life is a bittersweet, if not it is a roller coaster. I do believe in that. Today, like the rest of topsy-turvy states of my existence in the past, I understand all the more, deeper, what these sayings try to imply–at least for me. Is it already Friday? Please pinch me to be reminded.  

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Favoritism is one of the words I dislike. If someone had to map every related concept, my eyes would probably be mindful of “one-sidedness” as the closest lexeme to link. My shallow defense, of course, is that, one has to love or admire or side or care or notice or show goodness to only one person above the rest–and no one else. And it shouldn’t be. As always, I am up in arms about it. I don’t have to elaborate this right? You know it, come on.

And if I had to reword it, my first sentence would be like this: “It is a disease that is affecting a person who knows it is wrong.” And I am so affected every time I see someone who is a solid fan of this craziness. Sorry for my term this time. And such behavior should not be tolerated. On the one hand, I am not trying to deny that I got a lot of favorite things and even people–it is impossible to have not–it is inseparable from each one of us in fact, but it doesn’t make me favoritism–it connotes differently. My piece of advice: NO TO FAVORITISM!      


They are not my collection. I have actually passed this age specially hording inkless pens like I used to. In days of yore, one had written something about a pen and described it mightier than a sword. This thought became famous until this era. In my own days, when modern revolutions happened at random, we ambiguously perceived it these ways–to curse or bless anyone, to educate or deceive innocents. Well, it depends who is holding it. It has been three months since my tiny world is busy doing another advocacy in a new school. And these seemingly taken for granted objects have been my partners motivating, encouraging, and imparting knowledge to each learner along the way.

For the past ninety days, I have been giving out pens (like countless ones) to my students as rewards for their hard work–this to lift their spirits up to do more–not necessarily to achieve perfection for each one is unique and dissimilar. Aside from giving these kids constant encouragement, I realized that to gift each with a pen is a great idea. It is useful too. From a simple artwork to a complex lesson, my eyes are always alert to find individuals deserving. I also open my heart daily to live kind regardless of what I receive from my monthly salary. Pens are always top of the lists. We all borrow God’s grace and mercy every moment of our lives and I want these youngsters feel and see that. I was taught to show goodness to whoever seventy-seven times seven. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

The Hike

My cohort had gone to the city to do some errands for themselves while I, the only existing adult left in Pagoda today. I decided to stay and spent time with these little monks and kids. Like any ordinary weekend, I thought, just planned out a no-swing-into-action morning-wake up and see what is there awaits-whatever will be will be as the song goes. And who knew what we had came up with-the hike with monks and kids.

So far, it was the rarest and the most unique adventure I had in my whole life. Don't even ask me how many mountains or hills or forests I have been to for I've been hiking all my life-the moment I started crawling-I was born a wanderer. Of course, getting here this time has been a desperate desire, wondering what it is like up here. Look what I just had ten hours ago! 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

New Evening Class

Got a new evening class schedule started a few days ago-sixteen receptive and behaved learners. If every class is only alike, I don't mind teaching even more than eight hours a day. But you see, as typical as reality brings, students in every class are a mixed bag. One must have the patience of a saint to get by, overcoming obstacles necessarily. In my situation this time is a rare scenario-God's grace I mean.

If I had a choice, I'd prefer teaching adults but this is not how it works in my ESL world nowadays-work or starve. Oftentimes I dreamed of engaging only with fast learners, and yet it feels like the age of miracles is past. This week is a jackpot especially for a weary teacher like me. So far I am inspired with my evening classes despite endurance issue.  


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Happiest Teacher Today

'Tis the moment in my life every single year when my mind is preoccupied with lessons and activities as soon as I get up in the morning till I bid the night sweet dreams. Teach, teach, and teach. It is so tiring but inspiring on the one hand seeing surprises come in many ways-when everything isn't just about money or salary. 

I do spend time with these kids three hours in the morning with fifteen minutes intervals. The first rest I allotted for coffee break. When I got back for the second period, my boys drew something on the whiteboard-a big heart with their names on both sides while mine at the center. So sweet of them! Aren't they? Another delight of a teacher when he sees himself in animation through the creative yet thoughtful gestures of these kids in their workbooks. It feels like I bribed them, but nope. I am the happiest teacher today. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

First Times

In my entire existence in this wild world, this is the first time to work on Labor Day. It is because we have more holidays coming, like every week successively this month. I understand. It was reasonable after all to skip this one even if it seemed against my will. So we had a normal life today-teach. As usual, I had to work my hardest to educate these kids. Just finished my evening class as well half an hour ago. Now I am blogging this sentiment before it is gone forgotten (just kidding). That is one.

Secondly, just got my ATM card in this country for the first time ever in nine years. I didn't know how I survived living here without this seemingly necessary thing, but I did. This is the advantage of being a laid-back person-you need not to worry having none of these stuff-just keep on living no matter what the sophisticated future holds. I don't deny it is useful though. In many ways and in many cases it is, maybe it's just me. I had learned to be content with simple things-whatever there is available. I hope it won't change me for the bad. Happy Labor Day, Everyone!