Sunday, December 17, 2017

Other Roles

For the most part of my existence as an educator (or as a mentor if you prefer), I don't normally embrace one role alone--restricting myself only as a teacher. Some days, I could be a father--that's when I have come to know that parenting doesn't take a biological affinity or restrained by family constitution--it is simply a decision to bless and touch lives. There were days, and years to many, that I have become my learners' friend although cultural and age issues are undeniably in constant protest. But I believe that God gave me them as friends to cherish eternally as well. To the rest, like for countless circumstances, and to this day, I have been a brother, a counselor, a best friend, and a family more than all this classroom-relationship--where I learn God's grace and kindness every single moment.

Last night, for the first time in five years, and after all those innumerable failed-plans to meet up, and years of chatting and calling--there we were enjoying that wonderful time--catching up like father and son--like have never been happier. Three months from now, I'm gonna see him again on his Wedding Day before they migrate to New Zealand. Thank you, Lord, for bringing amazing people in my life.

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