Sunday, March 19, 2017

New Home

It was already late at night when my team got here from hours and hours of traveling on Sunday evening. For that reason, I couldn't really see or even predict what the whole village was like. As an old habit, wherever the journey brings me, I prefer not to expect big time-it is never my instinct. "Surprise me!"I said a few words, a self-talk, then bade the world sweet dreams.

Morning came and woke up so excited wondering what the has something to brag...a bolt from the blue or the irony of it all-piqued my curiosity still to the fullest. I started eyeing on the ordinary what the common villagers or strangers perhaps don't notice. Lo and behold, as one of the staff toured me around, before me stand extraordinary creations. I was in endless awe, This is just my standard, the rest of the words I'll leave it to you to judge the sceneries yourselves. Thank God for this new home. 

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