Monday, March 20, 2017


"Sorry kids, that's all I can afford for now. But I am not giving up." It was another self-talk wish could have just left in the classroom. Now I am turning up the volume of my silent cry a bit louder. No, I do not have a messianic complex, it is just a tiny concern to be worried sick Maybe this place is just so isolated that I have to make use of every little thing I got for the sake of fun and creative learning. Of course, I do understand that every material used is only a facade-it is the teaching that counts. And oh, I forgot...along with passion, love, and devotion.

"Make it, Take it", this is how we call it i ESL world. But this is just no ordinary idea because it involves defying the author's misconception of a specific learner providing lousy activities-most of the time irrelevant and boring. We have learned to manipulate every lesson and never really trust textbooks. This is what this fussing all about. And what I just got on the board isn't that really satisfying.

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