Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Old Photos

Eleven days ago, I posted on my wall on Facebook a brief background along with my old photos about my educational journey as a kid. I wrote: “These are my favorite photos of all time. But there is more to each image than meets the eye–God’s abounding grace, second chances, and endurance despite odysseys. I struggled to finish elementary. As far as chasing dream is concerned, this stage was almost unbearable–my most difficult beginning. Look how skinny I was.”

Today, I want to say a little bit more, another paragraph to express what I didn’t write the last time. Here it is: In this real world, it doesn’t take a genius to achieve every dream because diligence and perseverance take the most part. At least that’s how I understand it. A willing heart can possess these traits anytime of the day. In my case, kindness of some people around me what truly inspired my soul–I learned each gesture at the feet of generous ones. I owe them every dream that came to reality and for what I am now. Those individuals had taught me goodness and grace amidst difficult life. As an educator, I will keep teaching, encouraging, inspiring, and reaching out to display the wonderful grace and loving kindness of my Creator. Because I experienced it myself for countless times.”  

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