Thursday, January 17, 2013

Human Mind

No one understands best a certain culture except an insider. Outside this realm totally holds a dissimilar perspective. Then outsiders don’t have any rights laying something down – whether a measuring rod to set a standard or a weighing device (balance) to conclude judgment and morals.

Not ashamed to admit, but for many times, I tend to behave like a nasty interloper and acts like a man of the world. I had beautiful intentions though, yet they don’t justify a crass outlook on someone’s values. So I had to remind my blinkered mind every now and again such a tendency. 

Wish I’m always aware when narrow-mindedness strikes my head. Nobody likes losing an argument anyway, yet it’s always a temptation to bite the challenge. At the end of the day, one has to leave a decision – to win friends or to gain glory. Alas, only one side lasts a lifetime. 
May real peace and deeper respect reside my heart as this fragile life of mine immerses daily with people not my own – I pray.
Isn’t it peace or respect more important than squabble?  
It takes grace and compassion to crush opinionated bigots. Using a plural form means to point the finger at me as well. Guilty! 

That’s how human mind works in many circumstances – very pious not wanting to look for other windows of possibilities – it needed openness to experience breakthrough indeed. 

So human propensity I think – it loves to dominate in various ways, but there is always a way to break this character and mentality – it spells R-E-S-P-E-C-T

“Now, I understand why!” my thoughts agreeing as we were driving through another unfamiliar village. 

Days before that I was in full resistance to accept an explanation. For me, it was just the same excuse I hear over and over again or a typical alibi teenagers give or a lie that normal kids usually tell – “Sorry teacher, I was busy” – so sick of it and so I ignored. 

One of the kids at the center had to pick me up including few other kids to visit his house. Hours came, and then days, but he didn’t show up or call. He appeared a week after.

Our agreed appointment wasn’t that important and so no big deal, but wish I understood his thinking. It was deeper than that in fact, which requires receptiveness to get the whole picture. But my attitude towards the situation spoiled the chance – an untold story behind what I considered an excuse or an alibi or a lie – one’s shyness couldn’t express in words.

Thanks to another impromptu visit yesterday. I had to bring one student home personally due to flue and fever. It happens that this sick boy is staying in the same village we intended to visit last week. 

Suddenly, the experience has patched things up. Seeing the distance and how rough roads are, it changed my perspective – one arrogant mind so dumb enough to analyze a simple situation. If not for this beautiful chance, it will take more resistances to win my trust back. 

Then it gave me a hard knock. I realized would probably do the same way – an excuse or an alibi or a lie one helpless teenager had over transparency – driven by shyness or shame to admit his disability to receive guests.   

It took another chance to know, and entailed docility to learn things, but that’s so human mind.

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