Thursday, January 3, 2013

Goals Down

Too old now to notice each little thing, but there is always a way to get things done in time – to write them down – it helped a lot. Thanks to the idea of journaling or planning because it keeps one’s chaotic mind ordered. It is just a matter of living such lifestyle.

Couldn’t even remember exactly the time I started embracing this habit, and since I did, not a single goal has neglected. Year after year, it always gives me joy looking back to every accomplishment and failure – a room for moving up; and an excitement looking forward to what a new chapter has prepared – an opportunity to try something else.

I usually write my goals down the beginning of the year – whether they’re short or long ones. Alongside with constant ticking just to keep myself posted of my aspirations not forgetting anything in the process.

At the end of the year, I do my review with ticks and crosses to see how far I’ve gone. Each goal is significant and tells a different story. Therefore, ticking and crossing mean something. It’s not about accomplishment alone – it’s the perseverance that counts – for each goal requires diligence and grace.

Thirty-one out of forty-nine (31/49) goals were down from last year’s. Some of those were unaccomplished desires from previous years, and yet not one is neglected until it’s fulfilled.
Few days ago, I’ve added new goals in my 2013 lists including those unfulfilled stuff from last year time table – a trip to Dubai or Korea for instance – I wrote them again to remind me in the name of goals.

Goals down, goals come, and it’s normal for mortals to write them down. Just keep dreaming and pursue things with eyes awake. After all, one without a single objective in life is like a man caught daydreaming – that’s another story then – better still write your goals down and make them happen.  

Goals down – one or few isn’t that bad – that’s how one starts in fact and better than having no goal at all. For years now, I design and redesign goal setting as part of the curriculum in order to educate complacent and easy-go-lucky young people. There I lay down the importance of considering their future and/or of writing down their goals. Thank God, they’re so receptive and teachable.

Goals down?

Yes, I had a lot. And those aren’t fulfilled yet I consider an agenda to work hard, and an urgency to ask for more grace and mercy from above.

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