Thursday, July 6, 2017


Funny it seems, but I also take pity on some people who are swallowed up by their arrogance and conceit. I just hope they discern that or else they will never ever see those pitfalls they know right. I find it sidesplitting as well when people claim to be conversant but actually far from being clued-up–not even close. This is the world we live in, and we always encounter human beings who are very pretentious but have nothing to deliver in reality. So be it! In the way that most often happens, they feel threatened whenever new ideas occur. But see, the fruit of your labor can tell whether or not you have applied those nuggets of wisdom learned in life. Because action speaks louder than words. Knowing without showing is always a question mark.

To put this recent experience side by side, it is so disappointing to see how people with less experience and know-how about teaching and yet try to be the man of the world. They are too smug about their little achievement. And I don’t get it why sharing some wisdom bruises their egos. I am very curious what they will become years from now unless these individuals will learn to eat humble pie. “I didn’t come to compete. I am here to help. And why are you threatened?” I justified when one of the teachers confronted me. I totally understand that I can’t enforce what I believe to others, but if someone is a teacher, he or she could have known it by now that learning is forever. They are two inseparable existences–teach and learn or vice versa. Because there is no such thing as static in the world of education. That is how I perceive it at least. When I had to observe classes and write a professional proposal as suggested by our Executive Director, I didn’t do it to cut the ground from under somebody’s feet–it was all for love to help this institution. I learned my hardest as an educator, and so I can tell apart a person who knows his/her stuff and the person who is know-it-all.

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