Friday, June 2, 2017

The First Two Shades of June

“It’s finally the month of June.” I could hear the audible sound of joy even in my heart of hearts. “But so what!?” my truculent brain is in fulmination–in protest like it has never been. Yesterday we still worked hard as if it wasn’t a declared holiday. Such a crying shame!  And oh, before I forgot, today is actually my last hours teaching at this particular school. I have said it here once not so long ago, and I am saying it again…it is not a happy Friday to anticipate. I think have been vocal about this in the past that it isn’t the right place for me to last long. After all, I am here for a short term project. As sure as eggs is eggs, I’ve done enough–more than enough indeed.

It is both bad and good goodbyes. My health and patience are my main concerns this time. I can’t stand teaching more hours in the future any longer. And also, I got no patience with unbearable kids. I was for countless times, but those were gone with the wind. Their screeches annoy me a lot these days. Hmm, what about Andropause? It was the first word in my mind, but I think am still too young to have any of its symptoms. What else? Ah, and many more reasons wish I could tell, but whatever those awful circumstances were, I’ll just leave them here. So what good about this goodbye? Resting and de-stressing are in my top to-do-things. I pray in this isolation I will find strength and peace. Above all this, I will discover answers to my deep need–it is another soul searching only the grace of God can satisfy.

P.S. I am writing this sentiment while waiting for my students for my last two classes tonight. That is exactly in less than an hour.      

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