Friday, May 8, 2015

Some People

“Always value the people that come your way because you’ll never know.” I was told in a shallow manner–maybe to figure out myself the secret behind this nugget of wisdom. After all it will take a while to realize about every truth there is or its contrariety or the triviality itself in the worst sense. It really is your call to believe it or not. 

I am sick of so many people nowadays. Perhaps that’s how they feel towards me too. And so this clichéd counsel cannot justify the case. I don’t think would regard individuals who are hypocrites, insensitive, envious, and overly sarcastic. These are just a few examples I’ve got in my mind.  

My Australian neighbor is one perfect example to this. Their sarcasm and insincerity is overwhelming. They profess themselves as Christians and philanthropists, but I find them full of mystery to grasp. Their kids are so annoying to bear and so irritably noisy, but I can stand them still–but not their weirdness and phoniness. 

Needless to say, deep in my heart I know would cause them no harm or revenge–it’s not my upbringing to even the score. They are no worth wasting time–I just think of them like they don’t exist. Obviously they aren’t good examples to follow or footsteps to tread.    

When we thought that people who aren’t attached to us personally are the only ones hacking us off–it is a huge mistake sad to say–for even friends do, too. But I chose to shut my mouth still and endured it. One reason, I always leave the situation for them to discern as matured individuals. I am talking about those who cannot single out abuse from favor or grace.  

It’s not that easy to live with people of different personalities especially with friends who only consider you important because they can use you. I hope God’s grace will extend my patience and kindness or else I will breakout soon. And it worries me when it happens.  

The right response to this advice I think requires meticulous understanding. For how can someone esteem people of evil intention or people with mascaras? It is hard to tell. I thought it was as simple as assumption. You don’t get this life as you pondered it would. 

If I’d rephrase this particular insight to live by, it should be…“Think the world of people that value you as a person.” Sure enough these are the ones that expect nothing in return and care for you with no strings attached. You have to journey with these angels if you had the chance. It’s seldom to find them though.    

“Always value the people that come your way because you’ll never know.”
So that’s it, really!? What if he or she turns out a fallen angel with the darkest heart that ever existed? This is just another obvious prediction how selfish and self-seeking really a lot of humans are.  


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