Wednesday, August 1, 2012


My eldest sister, Carol,  cried when I gave her a copy of my first entry (Short Story for Children) in Palanca. Then she told me, tearful, a story I haven’t heard my whole life. She said: “One day, you were trying to read our cousin’s books, but they didn’t let you. So you stood up bragging – I’m gonna have my own books someday.”

Her story brought me back to those sad, olden days. I may not remember my hopeful profession as a kid, but I still remember vividly had read their books countless times. We didn’t have any at home except for few, old Tagalog Komiks. And no matter how far my cousin’s house was, I was determined to walk to read. 

I loved books growing up. Besides, library was my favorite place and my hideout during my scholastic journey – from elementary to my post grad life. Those many books neatly filed at the library fascinated me always. I actually stole one in 5th grade out of desperation. Now you all know my deepest secret, but don’t do that.

I read different kinds, but not as freak as a bookworm. It’s because I just don’t read, I write as well. Each book I read in the past inspired me to write one. But I didn’t become a writer by reading books alone. I tried my hardest. I practiced my craft. I ventured opportunities in this arena.

Now, I read and write.

Am I famous yet?

NO, NOT YET, but I’m a writer who simply writes in quest for something – to bless every reader; to encourage others to write; to tell inspiring stories one person could hear. Winning an award is a different story though.

My sister may be right when I said, “I’m going to have my own books someday”. It can be implied both actually– books which I‘ve acquired for many years or books (published and non-published) which I’ve written myself. Which is which it doesn’t matter for each fulfilled to give me beautiful lessons.

Thankfully, I got books of my favorite authors and other authors, and so books I have authored.

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