Monday, January 16, 2017


This is my tick-and-cross-a-promise month–an effort to evaluate whether or not I’ve fulfilled each word I have committed myself into the past months and till this time point. Now I got a little more things undone and my utmost desire is to make them happen before heading back to my place of work away from home–soon. I never promised somebody the moon, but they are only simple concerns that finite being like me can afford to do. Each promise is a simple gesture compelled by kindness and nothing else. 

I am not very sentimental or over spiritual, but I have the feeling that this delay has something to do with unfulfilled oaths. I do not want to go back on my word. “A promise made is a promise kept.” I heard. It is always a joy to live up to something and heartbreaking not being able to do them. My human instinct dictates, never promise when your intention is only to devoid its worth. 


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