Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Long-time Wish

A dishwasher, a receptionist, a server, a cleaner, a translator–all these in the name of service. I asked for this day like countless times. A routine when you don't have to worry about lesson planning each moment of your life.
This is it. And it has been happening for almost a month now. I do like it in fact even though it is physically tiring. I just think of it as an exercise. After all I am not new to these kind of works. I wished for this time to arrive.
I have been teaching for more than two decades–twenty-three years to number, and what this life has offered for the meantime I'd say is a break from intellectual stuff–no books–nothing but blue-collar jobs.
Please do not get me wrong, I'm not really grumbling–not at all! I'm extremely happy. I am also learning a lot from this experience such as patience, humility and endurance–all of these for the sake of paradigm shift. It's not easy though.
One might see it an easy task, but boy, dealing with customers from all walks of life needs patience. And also if one is slow and weak, I don't think he would survive the work load. And in my case, it takes to swallow my pride to adopt this environment. This is not my expertise. I am by virtue and orientation an educator (with a doctorate degree).
But as I said, I asked for it over and over and over again. So no worries or no offense–just blogging my mind.
"Be careful what you wish for." It's no regret although my pride and strength are in protest. For as long as my mind and heart are at eased, then I am so fine enjoying my place every single day.
If this wish was a nightmare, I don't mind not waking up or having this situation for a while or a bit longer. I am liking it–so far, so good.
From this desire, I realized that humans have our own respective places–where each person belongs–it is not about luck or misfortune or a position or a degree–but the things we love and good at. It just happened that my line is educating, but it is no different from others. We all need to live and work or work to live.
How long will I be doing this? Maybe for a month or so. Let us see what this life has in stored. I don't mind. For now, I am living my long time-wish and enjoying it. But I also believe that once an educator is always an educator. I just need a space from this career.
Break a leg!

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