Thursday, July 9, 2015

Elegant Grace

Not really sure if there’s an existing compound word like this one–elegant grace, but I’m going to use it anyway. When I thought that grammar rules are in protest against my creative idea, my dictionary does see eye to eye with me. Surprise, surprise! Or if I am still confusing you, let’s just pretend that it exists or else I’ll have it patent for you to be convinced.  

This is the story of four people who experience grace every single day, and who in many ways have fully grasped its meaning more than I do perhaps. Through their lives grace is revealed this time in forms I haven’t thought my whole life–now a compelling story tell.      

I’ve known them by names in the past, but it was God’s grace has brought us together–neither generation nor cultural diversity have spaced between us–now we’re family.

For those who have been following me in this blog, you guys know my heartaches and lamentations the past five months–when I felt so downcast and isolated. And then God sent four angels to attend my longing for a friend. During this time my Creator has explained more of His love by the life-examples of these folks I didn’t even know before. My apology if I can’t elaborate what they have done to me one by one, it would take me for ages.

His gracious grace is beyond comprehension. As I prefer to call it an “elegant grace” because they had to fly from across the miles to hear my pain and sorrows, to pray for me and encourage me–in a manner I didn’t expect–to be reminded how truly special child I am of my Abba, Father. 

Also I was very transparent about my fortitude–no matter what–I needed friends to listen at least. Like a brave combatant in my own war or like an energetic competitor in my own fierce competition–I break down too–and for countless times I did. God knows I needed friends to journey with me in this seemingly debacle and catastrophe–but not defeated. I am so grateful for these new friends who were there with me in my utmost discouragement and restlessness.

Were it not for grace, then I’ll just feign my strength not needing anyone. And were it not for grace, I don’t think deserve to be in the presence of these angels who are so busy with their own agendas. In such a short time grace is explained in different side unknown–again to experience and comprehend it afresh.

Without a doubt, I know deep in my heart that God’s grace is priceless first and foremost, but I’d like to take it in an attractive way–an elegant grace–it is more relevant to me at this moment.

Isn’t His grace indeed elegant? Yes, it is!

Let me end this article with a note: “Thank you brothers for this wonderful privilege getting to know you and see how elegant grace is at times. You just don’t know how much it means a lot to me. Honestly, you were not those angels I predicted to come into my life, but God in his own time designed this path. This experience makes me forever grateful, forever changed, and forever conscious of the grace of God. A million thanks. Blessings!”

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