Monday, September 23, 2013

Next Question, Please!

If they only knew that I’ve been living under the grace of One’s loving arms for years now, then they would probably stop asking unethically random questions.

Thanks to His sufficient grace or else I could have been a dead meat this long.

“How much money do you have in the bank?”

“I bet you have saved a lot through these years, haven’t you?”

Inquiries like these usually turn me off no matter how enthusiasm a conversation may seem even with familiar folks. Aside from below the belt jokes or minding other’s private life, query like this I always leave behind unanswered. And I don’t care who I’m talking to – such a dialogue recoils me every time.

“Next question, please!” I write back over and over and over again trying to be polite especially to annoying chats I usually couldn’t bear. And people find it off the wall thinking I have changed a lot.

I just had exactly the same talk a few hours ago thought would be a banter one – with an old friend – a reconnection which turned my stomach for a while. Although I didn’t give that person the next-question-please-reply or block then, which I normally do, leaving one’s nosiness unattended was the best reaction still amidst intolerable situation.

Since chats in every form including Facebook and other greatest inventions have become trendy these days, I couldn’t ask for more except for a sensitive conversation where wealth or marital status or fragile issue is out - let’s talk something else.

The next time you’re stuck in an odd chat, my unsolicited advice for you is a direct discourse which I’ve heard from other people trapped in the same scenario – NEXT QUESTION, PLEASE.  Try this one for it did work for me, too – proven.

For sure, you rather hear someone nattering than engage in a short dialogue that just grates on you. But if it doesn’t really bother you, then lucky you for I am not normal.

Still, I rather listen to a discourse or a serious speech than extend my patience unnecessarily entertaining careless thoughts of others. Then I would be forced to say it in a different way which I was once taught – “Drop It!” – in case saying or writing “Next Question, Please!” isn’t enough to remind someone asking unethical question.

Please, say it or write it with me… Next Question, Please! –  between big smile signs. 


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