Wednesday, March 7, 2012



Boredom was killing me. You do know how it feels. And so I suggested doing something different – a once-in-every-season stuff. 

We went to another familiar village for a “mango invasion”. And so to have some coconut-refreshments. We had to harvest few fruit to bring home for salad and dessert. Without the boys this time because they had to cook dinner for us.

And so we hit the road with an old canon camera with me - to keep simple sakes hopefully. As I was about to click one photo shoot, that’s when I realized it didn’t have the cartridge in it. We were already halfway through our destination. A U-turn means money. I don’t think we can afford another ride. 

Regretful it may seem, but we all learned to deal with it. Then we went on with our journey even without each moment captured literally.

Life at times is bittersweet. We just have to learn let go of some expectations or high hopes. And life doesn’t always bring the best we expected. At least we have learned to decide one thing over another. Like a feather, we have learned to be flexible. 

We did! 

Unfortunately, I missed out a lot of amazing photo shoots along the way – those big smiles displaying happiness; each joyful moment with kids in tuktuk rides; and those awkward faces denoting freedom. All I had to do was regret. And then I had to learn another important lesson there.

Each memory seemingly non-captured but not in our hearts. It was too happy to forget that day. Although technology didn’t make a way to preserve every single treasure, but our minds did. And it is going to be a lasting remembrance! One day we are going to talk about it over and over again.

And so we left home with a big bottle of cola one carried - to quench their thirst basically. I passed. But I still hoped that day a camera would make any difference. I wish you all have seen how a cola brought us closer together. There were teases in the air left some annoyed, but it was part of their teen life. Oh, and also endless laughter that soothed my stressful soul. But what impressed me the most was their servant attitude serving each one a glass of drink.

Again, no single moment was captured by a canon camera - but our hearts did. It was the best way that even any sophisticated technologies couldn’t delete. 

It stuck in us forever.
And so we waited for a ride bringing a blue plastic container with us – to store some fruit obviously. And when we got there, we were surrounded with mango trees in few kinds. We started climbing, picking, storing, and eating the fruit of the day. That was my favorite part. 

Again, I wish I had each action captured to post on Facebook. But I could not. All I had to do was look at them regretting (not having them around but having each moment passed away not captured). But then I tried to store each memory in colors vividly – in my heart and mind. That was the best way to do at that time. And the best decision in fact.

When a technology could not capture any memories back, we could.

And when we arrived home, I took some photos of fruit we brought home. This would somehow helps remember memories back.


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