Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spontaneous Blessings

Just got back less than an hour ago from a spur-of-the-moment excursion somewhere I’ve never been before. I wasn’t part of the original plan, but something came up so I volunteered to accompany my friends. I only had few hours to prepare–one of the few spontaneous decisions I made in years.  

I didn’t know what to expect except for the worst scenario. I was right because it was not a comfortable travel at all, but my prediction was also wrong because the rest of the trip was an epic.

We had to squeeze in a small car for two hours, and then crossed the Mekong River by barge for fifteen minutes, and after that went through rough roads (a crater after crater) by motorbikes for one and a half hour under the scorching heat of the sun to get to the village. Forget about the stormy dust, it was already expected. 

Coming back was the same story. 

So it was actually worth the go. And the sacrifice we made paid off–where endless treat and treat and treat surprised us graciously. I would like to name them one by one. 

For the wonderful couple with the hearts of gold and whose kindness are truly overwhelming. We were blown away. They hosted us with a warm welcome and with delicious meals to enjoy. They also paid all the expenses for the trip. We’re very blessed! 

For the unexpected haven so beautiful and cool. Oh, but the perfect place to rest in times of weariness. More than all this nostalgia, my spirit was lifted and my strength was renewed. I feel refreshed. We’re so privileged!      

For the nuggets of wisdom I received. When I thought had already learned a lot in the fields for my years and years of experience, I’ve been flying my own kite then for this wrong assumption–there are so many things I haven’t known yet. And our hosts weren’t reluctant to impart those lessons to us. We’re so grateful! 

For this epic expedition recently–an experience I wouldn’t have had if not for this amazing couple–whose life and selfless endeavors are encouraging and inspiring. They are examples of what servants and leaders are like. We’re so encouraged! 

Glad I came with my friends despite the uncertainty of what was to come. When you don’t expect anything, that’s when good things come in. 


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