Saturday, June 1, 2013


Shoppers have different views on buying things - some conform to simplicity; others possess complexity while I in the causal side. It takes heavenly wisdom to understand their thinking, and so they need grace to understand mine.

I dislike going to clothes shops especially window shopping, but for people who don't know me well will really find it hard to believe having a lot of stuff in my room. It's up to you to think, but only ten percent of these acquired possessions I've personally bought - the rest are gifts from kind people I know.

If I could only wear my clothes for thirty years, why not? I'm not a trendy person anyway. Aside from that, I don't think clothes will last that long too. Believe it or not, I still keep and wear some of my clothes for almost a decade now. 

And so I rarely shop - no fondness for this hobby. The last time I actually got a pair of shorts was four years ago. Today, I bought two new pairs because I didn't have a choice or else I'll be wearing the same clothes for three days, stinking. Since I don't like buying the same thing in the future, I got two pairs of eight-pocket shorts instead - it will save me from bargaining for at least three years.

Few I know who are shopaholics - who buy or collect things extravagantly without really using them. If I were one of them, it would take fervent prayers to break this bad habit. I wonder how many pair of unused shorts I will have in the closet.

Many I see who just love shopping - who are endowed with the ability to bargain and check the quality;  who can stand with demand of trends and fashion. It's not me for sure or else you'll see me wear different shorts every single day.

The rest are but like me - who don't pay much attention about fashion statement or trendy stuff or branded product. I go for comfort and reasonable tag price! That's why I only have enough shorts to show off (just kidding).

Are these pairs of shorts expensive?

No they aren't, but they are very comfortable to wear. 

Except for my laziness and my disinterest to it, I consider shopping very unsatisfying or annoying at times. It requires carefulness and meticulousness to gratify one's wants. Only to find out you bought the wrong size or style or color or cut, etc. And the next thing you do is to go back and get it changed - hassle.

This morning I had the same scenario - the seller gave me the wrong size (30 instead of 31). To enjoy these pairs of shorts entails loosing weight. I didn't want to go back to that crowded place, and so I thought of something else - diet - thanks to these blessings. But must wear them for a while because I don't have anything to put on these few days.


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