Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Life itself has a lot of things to learn from. It offers whoever lessons every single second without limits. All we have to do is learn or relearn. That is why learning is ageless. I had awesome experience from village excursions the last two years. But don't think I've absorbed them all. And so even new little thing captured was worth learning this time.



The past few days I was out in the net. The only mode one can reach me out is through a phone. I just could not wait to log in and show what I got. There I was tremendously enjoying life and what this seemingly familiar culture has to offer. Hoping to see anything new, my wish but was granted. Clicks from my camera were just endless.

Haven't I seen these stuff yet?

I actually have!

In fact I spent Khmer New Year last year at exactly the same villages. But sometimes you have to relearn things to appreciate life in better perspective. Also this reminds me again which those I took for granted the last time. After paying another glance, they turned in worth treasuring.



Yes, I am.

Words in fact aren't enough to justify the truth. So let pictures help me express what I have seen for real. Relearning? So yes! I think it's important to relearn things to learn life. And I am always grateful for this twelve silent days from Facebook. It was one of the best times of my human existence.


My time at least at Alliance Graduate School was another unforgettable classroom venture. There I had awesome professors unlocked cultural issues my mind could not possibly imagine. But it wasn't enough. For we knew in time that theories or stories alone couldn't make our scholastic journey self-fulfilling. That is why life in field experience (LIFE) was conceived to complete the program. It was an eyeopening. More than just sitting at their feet in the name of academe, thank God they also emphasized something else. Happy to say, I am enjoying life in the field.

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