Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Glimpse from a New Book - WHERE ANGELS TROD

“Biraddali, biraddali, biraddali!” the children yelled in awe. 

The noise was too loud that it woke me up from a long nap. They kept yelling until they persuaded the rest of the kids to see what it was. But it didn’t bother me for I’ve seen it countless times. Besides, I was too grown up to believe such thing. Sunset was on its way to close the day. So got no reason left to indulge the bed. I had to get up.

It has always been a typical summer afternoon except for one thing that arched across the sky – a colorful rainbow. We prefer to call it a biraddali back home. But it wasn’t for this beautiful creation alone that drove the kids to make noises. There’s something peculiar within the story itself.  Which simply the heart of an innocent child left amazed, wondered. And only one naïve kid would lend ears for the folklore. It is believed from where I lived that where rainbow’s end touches the waters, there some beautiful angels swimming. As I said, I was too grown up for that. No matter how different the story is from that other one – a pot of gold, both just didn’t make any sense. My time has finally come to look at the rainbow or an angel in different stances. 

So glad it came! 

Putting interest on angelology resulted an in-depth understanding more than just having fun. Yet it didn’t give anyone in my class some kind of assurance to meet one for real. I still haven’t seen an angel (as in the real one with wings or so) my entire life. But I do believe they exist in heaven and earth. This is just my stand – believe it or not. After all each one has different outlook on things. And each outlook deserves respect not necessarily agreeing.  

If it is not angelology, what is it with the title then? 

I’d like to stress that it isn’t another argument about the existence of an angel or its sexuality. Not my field of interest actually. And because I never had any encounters with literal angel one commonly thinks, the use of a word (an angel) here is only a figure of speech. As always, each story unveiled in every chapter is associated with this immortal. Now whatever meticulous inquiry you have concerning this being, this book isn’t going to provide an answer. But it will flabbergast you with moments the same way it did to me. If it doesn’t meet your expectation so far, I am offering you excellent choices – feel free to close the book or continue reading. It’s your call. 

Tread with me where angels trod. 

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