Monday, December 12, 2011



This is just one of the books I have authored. And so I've decided to give my readers a glimpse of what this is. For those thousand miles away or more, so sorry that I could not send the book itself. One day,when you bumped into me, you can have me reminded of a copy just for you. I would love to give one. But for now, let me just encourage you with this tiny portion - the INTRODUCTION.


A busy-college-life of mine began in rainy season of June ‘93. That was eighteen years to tote up. Back then, if there was such a subject like Generosity 101, I’d fail without a doubt. You heard me right. This is no exaggeration. It is but an honest-to-goodness confession.
What do you expect?
I grew up in a house where kindness didn’t exist or rarely gestured. And if it did, then it would have been manifested in me all these years. I remember stealing a box of crayon in first grade for a desperate necessity. My father could have had bought me a box or two with his job. Maybe it was not his priority to sacrifice an amount for such a need. Not that I know of.
“So here you are – a big F! uttered an expert professor as he handed back my class card on a particular subject.
Why not?
I had a different nurturing back in our dwelling place. Sad to say generosity was not engraved on a tablet of everyone’s heart. If it did so, I could have had developed such virtue within me. Over the years of broken relationships among my parents and their siblings was driven by greediness. A supposed happy-big-clan swallowed up by selfish intentions over inherited lands. Greed, greed, and greed!
“You failed the subject???” asked a curious classmate!
“Yes, I did!” I replied in frustration.
Thank God it was just a made-up dialogue. But if it happened for real, I’d still give my defense. As curious as he was, he would probably inquire after me for a reason. And so I am giving him this straight answer: “That giving is only understood out of responsibility by my family - nothing less, nothing more!” I was fed, clothed, and sent to school because I had to. What difference it would make to me anyway? I was just a child living under the roof of ungenerous parents.
So I turned out not a generous child to say.
And again, if Generosity 101 was a required subject in college, most likely I’d fail – but not this time. Things are no longer the same undeniably. I have come to grasp that life isn’t that harsh despite awful pasts. In one way or another, the sooner or later, people will discover every precious lesson along the road. And I truly did!
It took me years to learn though - nearly two decades to sum up. But that better-late-or-never situation turned into a wonderful-life-encounter with people of good hearts. There I have witnessed incisively every tremendous gesture of selflessness and philanthropy more than just sitting at their feet to learn. I have not been astonished as this my whole life.
Proud to avow, I’ve learned a lot even from ungenerous lifestyle in the past. Now so grateful to generous individuals who had taught me embrace a way of life contrary in days of yore. From simple admonition to hard-knock; from self-humiliation to humility; from selfishness to selflessness – all these turned out as golden-rules-to-live-by in my pursuit embracing a life of kindness.
To a large degree, it was because they demonstrated generosity first. Not just few times in consistency but countless times to be honest. More than my big eyes could see, I personally testified each breathtaking example of kindness, and of life-infecting generosity they have before me and to others.
This is the book all about! My first book on generosity – honoring every generous giver has touched my life fully to the brim. So worth it! After several attempts – there it is. In one sleepless night a way, a final thought was organized - it paid off.
Honored, excited, and pleased.
This book will leave you amazed. I promise! As you read every tremendous story in each chapter, you will soon ascertain that one can truly live a generous life. Find out from chapter to chapter. Please, come! Hop on with me in this class of a lifetime – At the feet of Generous Ones.
P.S. For the sake of information, the sequence of this book is not based on who gave the most. It is but a chronological order of time when each story happened. And also each story differs. Hence it has nothing to do with connected series.
Enjoy your reading. Be blessed!

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