Monday, December 26, 2011



A message popped in while I was online on facebook. It was actually the third time in a while to send the same message. She had me informed about the caroling that was going on. Sad to say, I was far and could not join them in. But I can feel the excitement and the joy of a friend sending the good news. So touched!

Well, it wasn’t just a caroling- it was for a great cause. The proceeds of this will sure go to the following organizations – one of the orphanages in Vietnam, to the victims of the storm Sendong, and to the organization I work for in Cambodia. Thanks to the brilliant initiative of whoever came up with an amazing idea.


Thanks to their sacrifices and time singing from one house to another. The fact that they are busy people with responsibilities to mind, and yet were selflessly willing to be instruments of help. I have witnessed their tireless effort to this awesome gesture. You guys are so amazing!

Thanks to their thoughtfulness; and for their unanimous decision choosing my kids to be the recipient of this benevolent act. Rest assured that your labor is not in vain – this is a lifetime investment.

I was with them once in one of their caroling nights. That’s when I got to know their hearts deeper – full of compassion and care. As they brought the message of Christmas to every home, I was surprised how the household welcomed us warmly. They extended a hand without reluctance. For me, it was a corporate deed bringing hope to the less privilege ones.


It was well planned and organized. But there was nothing fulfilling and fascinating than knowing the hearts of every caroler – so speechless. Two thumbs up goes to every single person aside from loud applause.

Thanks to you!


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