Friday, December 30, 2011



We are all afraid to commit mistake. I assume. It’s so annoying at times, but it is in those mistakes we learned our best. To business people for instance, making an error is a very delicate issue; so risky and expensive too. They’re careful enough because even a small mistake can become devastation. But even so, no one is perfect. We make mistake every now and then - major or minor. That’s when we realized we’re just mortals in need of the Grace of the Father.

I am not trying to be perfect but it is just so frustrating to be in such a situation. Again, that’s when I learned every precious lesson. If not new insights unlearned and unnoticed -at least in my case.

I am not ashamed to admit all my shortcomings for that’s when God’s grace always comes in. I don’t mean to make mistakes to feel His grace. What I am trying to say are unintentional mistakes.

I was heading to the hospital yesterday for a reason. Sure enough I took the right bus, but it took me to a wrong direction. So I got off and did what the driver advised me to do. It was annoying at first for it wasted my time, my effort, and money for nothing. What can I do? Nothing! I tried to relax and reflect on that simple mistake instead.


The bus I took the second time stopped in front of the hospital. It was not the way I expected. I have been taking this bus for ages. And it always went to different route. This is when I said “God’s grace always comes in.” I didn’t want to make mistakes, but it was in this scenario I felt His grace so strongly. And it is in His abounding grace I understand my limitations.

Isn’t it grace?


This wasn't the only situation caught my attention. I had so much to tell, this is just one of the latest stories I thought worth mentioning. I believe you sure do have stories as these to tell.

Yesterday afternoon two of my generous friends spent time with me. One prepared a very delicious dinner to rejoice the goodness of God over the year. And the other one simply expressed her support about my endeavor in the village - helping the kids. I call it grace...when no one really dared to care.

Minutes after I've written down my last draft for this article, a very thoughtful friend called. She invited me over for a meal. I went anyway. There with three more friends enjoying every Filipino specialty I haven't eaten for ages. And right there we prayed for one another and encouraged one another. We all felt assured of the Grace of God as we face another year in few hours time.

And then I went down to see my long-time land lady. She was delighted to see me with hugs and kisses. She is organizing a party tonight. She invited me over among with other friends. That's another grace specially when you have nowhere to spend the celebration - alone in a foreign land.

Grace, grace, and grace!

This year started with grace so abounding and so ended the same way. Even to this last day of the year, grace follows me. It was by His grace made every experience worthwhile. In good times His grace helps me become appreciative. In bad times His grace helps me understand all these.

There is nothing more I could say – grace follows me.

Have a Blessed New Year!


Monday, December 26, 2011



A message popped in while I was online on facebook. It was actually the third time in a while to send the same message. She had me informed about the caroling that was going on. Sad to say, I was far and could not join them in. But I can feel the excitement and the joy of a friend sending the good news. So touched!

Well, it wasn’t just a caroling- it was for a great cause. The proceeds of this will sure go to the following organizations – one of the orphanages in Vietnam, to the victims of the storm Sendong, and to the organization I work for in Cambodia. Thanks to the brilliant initiative of whoever came up with an amazing idea.


Thanks to their sacrifices and time singing from one house to another. The fact that they are busy people with responsibilities to mind, and yet were selflessly willing to be instruments of help. I have witnessed their tireless effort to this awesome gesture. You guys are so amazing!

Thanks to their thoughtfulness; and for their unanimous decision choosing my kids to be the recipient of this benevolent act. Rest assured that your labor is not in vain – this is a lifetime investment.

I was with them once in one of their caroling nights. That’s when I got to know their hearts deeper – full of compassion and care. As they brought the message of Christmas to every home, I was surprised how the household welcomed us warmly. They extended a hand without reluctance. For me, it was a corporate deed bringing hope to the less privilege ones.


It was well planned and organized. But there was nothing fulfilling and fascinating than knowing the hearts of every caroler – so speechless. Two thumbs up goes to every single person aside from loud applause.

Thanks to you!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

December Meals


“Are you having a Christmas party before you leave?” my kids asked in excitement.

“Yes, of course!” I replied without thinking; caught surprised with the question itself.

I actually had a plan. And so intended it unmentioned. But I didn’t want to lie to keep it a secret. So I had the plan announced a week before the anticipated celebration.

I thought they already have forgotten last year’s party. But it was too short a time to forget. So glad they asked which encouraged me to pursue the plan – it means they liked what I did previous year.

And this time I wanted it slightly different. By the way, I was a bit disappointed of the party last year. But it surprised me how these kids loved it.

Again, this time I needed doubled amounts to make it merrier and enjoying. On the one hand, was worried a little where to get the budget for this seemingly unnecessary party. That’s why it was a secret at first.

Blessed enough, one generous giver came to the rescue. A big THANK YOU to Miss Ice! She wasn’t told about in fact but she gave the exact digits for such a need.

When I finally told my friends about it, one more generous giver gave in-kinds. Another big THANK YOU to Ate Vilma!

I went back to the village very happy with an answered prayer. Then I told my kids about having it soon –so soon. But when I was about to organize it, a total shift happened. I decided not having a BIG party anymore instead a week full of meals – December Meals. I have few important reasons for such an abrupt change.

One is to break the typical breakfast – porridge every morning. I’ve been doing this since I got here. Providing them with hot drinks and delicious noodles is another story. With these simple provision of in-kinds always brought happy smile aside from burps. Who would like to eat porridge every single day? So daddy has to find simple means to make these kids blessed even with small gesture.


Two is to introduce meals and sort of drinks from different origins. Basically they haven’t tried so far; fortunately they don’t have to go to fancy restaurants to have some; surprisingly no need to go out of the country enjoying such delicacies. I brought them all within a week -they craved for more.


Three is to learn unfamiliar things. One day when they are out the country and have unfamiliar meals with people of different heritages, they will not find it hard to adapt. They’ll enjoy meals of other kinds as well.


Four is to simply be practical. Instead of having an elegant party for a night, a week meals is a lot better. There they’ve enjoyed all meals served in several times, not just in one-time gesture. A week meals is far different from a day’s meal. It was more impacting to be honest.


“So where is the sense of Christmas there?” in case one would inquire.

“Feeding the right people –the less privilege instead of greedy ones; the demonstration of generous giving by friends; the good intention of making the kids happy; the example of love through an action” my response.

Keep blessing. Happy Holidays!


Monday, December 12, 2011



This is just one of the books I have authored. And so I've decided to give my readers a glimpse of what this is. For those thousand miles away or more, so sorry that I could not send the book itself. One day,when you bumped into me, you can have me reminded of a copy just for you. I would love to give one. But for now, let me just encourage you with this tiny portion - the INTRODUCTION.


A busy-college-life of mine began in rainy season of June ‘93. That was eighteen years to tote up. Back then, if there was such a subject like Generosity 101, I’d fail without a doubt. You heard me right. This is no exaggeration. It is but an honest-to-goodness confession.
What do you expect?
I grew up in a house where kindness didn’t exist or rarely gestured. And if it did, then it would have been manifested in me all these years. I remember stealing a box of crayon in first grade for a desperate necessity. My father could have had bought me a box or two with his job. Maybe it was not his priority to sacrifice an amount for such a need. Not that I know of.
“So here you are – a big F! uttered an expert professor as he handed back my class card on a particular subject.
Why not?
I had a different nurturing back in our dwelling place. Sad to say generosity was not engraved on a tablet of everyone’s heart. If it did so, I could have had developed such virtue within me. Over the years of broken relationships among my parents and their siblings was driven by greediness. A supposed happy-big-clan swallowed up by selfish intentions over inherited lands. Greed, greed, and greed!
“You failed the subject???” asked a curious classmate!
“Yes, I did!” I replied in frustration.
Thank God it was just a made-up dialogue. But if it happened for real, I’d still give my defense. As curious as he was, he would probably inquire after me for a reason. And so I am giving him this straight answer: “That giving is only understood out of responsibility by my family - nothing less, nothing more!” I was fed, clothed, and sent to school because I had to. What difference it would make to me anyway? I was just a child living under the roof of ungenerous parents.
So I turned out not a generous child to say.
And again, if Generosity 101 was a required subject in college, most likely I’d fail – but not this time. Things are no longer the same undeniably. I have come to grasp that life isn’t that harsh despite awful pasts. In one way or another, the sooner or later, people will discover every precious lesson along the road. And I truly did!
It took me years to learn though - nearly two decades to sum up. But that better-late-or-never situation turned into a wonderful-life-encounter with people of good hearts. There I have witnessed incisively every tremendous gesture of selflessness and philanthropy more than just sitting at their feet to learn. I have not been astonished as this my whole life.
Proud to avow, I’ve learned a lot even from ungenerous lifestyle in the past. Now so grateful to generous individuals who had taught me embrace a way of life contrary in days of yore. From simple admonition to hard-knock; from self-humiliation to humility; from selfishness to selflessness – all these turned out as golden-rules-to-live-by in my pursuit embracing a life of kindness.
To a large degree, it was because they demonstrated generosity first. Not just few times in consistency but countless times to be honest. More than my big eyes could see, I personally testified each breathtaking example of kindness, and of life-infecting generosity they have before me and to others.
This is the book all about! My first book on generosity – honoring every generous giver has touched my life fully to the brim. So worth it! After several attempts – there it is. In one sleepless night a way, a final thought was organized - it paid off.
Honored, excited, and pleased.
This book will leave you amazed. I promise! As you read every tremendous story in each chapter, you will soon ascertain that one can truly live a generous life. Find out from chapter to chapter. Please, come! Hop on with me in this class of a lifetime – At the feet of Generous Ones.
P.S. For the sake of information, the sequence of this book is not based on who gave the most. It is but a chronological order of time when each story happened. And also each story differs. Hence it has nothing to do with connected series.
Enjoy your reading. Be blessed!