Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Second Home

The first time I got here was also the moment I fell in love with this town. It has not faded yet since then no, this feeling won't go away. This will stay with me for eternity. Yes, it will, even when old age gets me, and memories seemed lost in the mists of time. Honestly, it isn't about how restful this place looks like or the laid back life it offers or how friendly these people are it is but the love God has placed in my heart. I have seen better places to dwell than this or could have had enjoyed a greener pasture somewhere but my Creator brought me here for many reasons. I always have a choice but He has the perfect plan.

This is where I learned to father children for the first time ever. An unexpected milestone I had to go through. Of course, had no regrets because it changed my whole life forever...for the better. More than all those answered and unanswered prayers, I have experienced miracle after miracle right in this strange land especially in my pursuit becoming a servant. There were tears of joy and of suffering, but God's grace was so evident. In victories and defeats, I had His unfailing love. When drought struck the ground, I got the faithfulness of.the One who called me. Then came abundance. When I was home, I was in endless nostalgia. Now that I am here, every second is down memory lane. How can I not love this second home?

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