Thursday, May 23, 2013

What's Next?

When Facebook came in, I was only a year behind. In just one click a way, it brought me into another world not knowing what to expect. And in weeks time, this pretty laid back "me" was able to catch up with friends who are so attached to virtual reality. That's when the evolution of this social-networking service wasn't quick yet.


There it went so fast like a blink of an eye. Each aficionado had crammed suddenly caught surprised and alarmed with the unpredictable development of this website. But human is human, and is so gifted with flexibility to learn things and go with the flow. Believe it or not, we're so accustomed to Facebook these days amidst constant change.

I am as well, but not tolerant of things or people with confusing lingo to bring. I've featured this concern in my blog sometime in October last year - Drift, which talks about a language drift. Now it's another issue to tackle - a common symbol (#) and yet so muddling - I only see this on Facebook every single day.

So desperate to ask this in many chances, but I was hesitant to do it. Maybe I was scared asking the wrong person and be put to shame for such naivety. I asked finally since I could no longer stand my confusion. My bad, I know, I didn't take an initiative to research the latest usage of this symbol # in Google.

"What's this sign (#) in almost every word?" I asked a friend, jumbled.

"Tweeter or instagram, blah, blah, blah..." she explained.

I don't know how it evolves, but I've been noticing it's appearances for many times, almost everyday. My ignorance to this is forgivable especially for not having a tweeter account or for not fancying an instagram, but my lack of knowledge using this sign (#) wrongly, I think demands a review.

What's next? Well, I don't have any idea or answer to this question yet. Let's wait until another sign will reign   soon.

Thought I'm the only one who is disturbed by this annoyance, thank God, I found a company. When I visited my favorite blog today, the author posted the same thing and provided some answers to my wondering mind. She had asked the same question, too.

A hashtag or a hash mark or a pound sign or a space mark or whatever they call it, I'm still intolerant to this misconception, the proper use of a number sign. You can call me dogmatic or conservative for this. I don't mind.

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