Friday, November 18, 2011



Eight years ago, I wrote an article about “LIFE WITH A SMILE” exemplifying the life of Filipinos facing every crisis creatively. Amidst all these seemingly awful economic upheaval and political controversies, we have learned to stand strong and face each issue - with an endless smile.

Two days ago, a friend commented on one of my recently uploaded photos on facebook expressing her amazement about the simplicity of life in the village. There my kids enjoying what she called a simple snack (a papaya fruit) without grumbling, and yet so satisfied - with an endless smile.


The world nowadays is so tough. This can be valid reason for not smiling. But if we consider every situation optimistically, it’s going to be another story. It’s going to be a day full of smile still.

Look at these kids for instance. Do you think they are exempted from all these problems? Kidding me! They have more serious issues than ours. But they always look at the bright side of what life can offer…with a sincere smile. And I am challenged, myself.

Sometimes I wonder what future has in stored for them. But even if I keep worrying on what lies ahead, I would not have any answers to that. For now, I am focusing on what help I can offer. I am encouraging each one to learn chase their dreams with a hopeful attitude. With this they will understand that no one is a loser.

And for now, I am teaching my kids how to face obstacles with a smile. With this, they’ll learn that crisis is just part of life. And with this, they’ll learn to work diligently with smile on their faces instead of sitting at the corner downcast.

I live with them.

I take care of them.

And so I am in the right perspective commenting about their situation – these kids are living in a small basin of no opportunity but not hopeless. All I could do is to pray for abounding grace as I set myself an example in diligence, in happiness - a life filled with smile.

Look around keenly, and you’ll not miss to see a lot of greedy people - so discontented, so unhappy, and yet they have every thing they needed.

Listen attentively to the cries of greedy people, and you’ll hear but their endless complaints- so envious craving for more; so desperate to have all the world has to offer.

Now look at these kids. Have them remind us that even with a simple thing; that even with a simple lifestyle; that even with a simple snack on the table (a papaya maybe) - life can still be beautiful, full of smile. It’s your call.

Be blessed and keep smiling!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this with vinegar..yummy and healthy treat:-)
May these kids see Jesus in you.