Monday, July 30, 2018

Beautiful Weirdness

Do they really think they can predict what is on my mind? I am so grateful that the Father above is not transcendent. But your state of grace creeps me out–it grieves my heart rather. Undeniably, we do have different orientations or statuses in life because we clashed the way we understood things. OK, I’ll buy it this time. So call me weird for trying to be praxis or doing things out of the ordinary–not in the way you thought they would be, but we call it goodness or kindness or mercy where I come from. Please remind me because I can no longer recall how many individuals whom I didn’t know personally and yet had messaged me, called me, and even met me in person for favors big and small. They were never strangers–not even weird individuals–because they were God’s sent that I might grasp the meaning of serving, giving, blessing and honoring my Master through this encounter. It was all God’s grace.


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