Wednesday, September 20, 2017

My Dear Town

This photography is not mine. 

There is more to this town than meets the eye–only domiciled individuals can truly relatenot even a thousand obelisks could inscribe her beginning and growing in the heart of every resident. Decades have come and gone, and yet she stood the test of time. Amidst the taunting haunts of life’s uncertainty and seemingly endless odysseys, she will continue to stand and thrive for the rest of our lives. Like a mother to a child she caresses and cuddles us. She has been around and will be there from the cradle to the grave just to show her unstinting devotion. She has proven her love through thick and thin, and for countless circumstances. This town named Ipil will remain beautiful in the eye of the beholder.

Proud to avow, I grew up in this place. But left in my late teens to run after my aspiration. Of course, it was a forgivable decision and a justifiable reason. Like the rest of the youth before me and my generation, we followed our hearts to find the greener pastures. I did. That was twenty-four years ago of homesickness and the longing to feel the warmth embrace of a place I once called a home. I’ve been away, but no, every memory of my dear town hasn’t lost in the mists of time. It has been with me all these years in vivid description. I only have one thing to say when I visited there last year… I was a total stranger. Wish I could bring yesteryear back when everybody knows everybody. It is a hope against hope for sure. Well, I still had fun spending time with my family.

These photos are not mine.

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