Friday, September 15, 2017

Awkward Cold War

Thought I would only last a week from that cold war–an awkward battle triggered by their own ignorance. But I was aware from tip to toe, what it is like, the feeling of a wounded pride. I didn’t come to wage war in the first place. More than just winning over new friends, my utmost intention is to offer helpa solicited one so to speak. Then I wavered. It was a commitment I’d break if I found out ahead of time what’s being here like. To cut to the chase, I stayed despite such bizarre episode–and struggled to stay I meant. Although the ticking of the clock seemed slow, and to survive a week was very agonizing emotionally and mentally, I decided to stay still. If I had to change my tack, I’d do it because there was something to prove. I felt impelled to correct their misconception about me and the situation. I made the right decision. Like the rest of the decisions I did under pressure, for innumerable times in the past, I’ve proven myself once again that this “small me” is no big quitter.

Glad that the awkward cold war is over. It lasted for a while. In an unfavorable circumstance as this, you just have to be diplomat and as meek as a sheep to instill your purest intention. I am speaking for myself. Needless to say, it wasn’t easy like eating peanuts, but it was worth giving another chance. I gave myself a second chance rather. Aside from this and that to accomplish, I will have one more important workshop to conduct for this institution I am currently working for–my last project for this year–so soon. And then I’ll be off in two months’ time. “See? You guys had really nothing to lose but gains” my mind seconded the whole scenario. I may not be the famous educator in the world (I don’t have to for goodness’ sake) or the most sought-after teacher (do I really have to?), but for more than once in my life, I stood my ground to show kindness. All in all, this experience I’d look back in the future for old time’s sake.     


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