Friday, August 26, 2011

Priceless Gift - Your Sincere Thought


It’s not how big or how expensive or how fancy a gift one receives, as always it’s the thought that counts. That if one believes in a priceless gift. I do!

This one goes to the giver as well. You may wrap a gift so BIG only out of responsibility, but then it’s meaningless. One would buy a present costing 6-7 digits price only to please, but then it’s a waste. I may deliver the FANCIEST package on your door only to show, but then it’s pointless. They are nothing compared to sincere thoughts.

I have been passionately involved into educating learners for almost two decades now. But only few students have remembered every significant day of my life – a simple card maybe on my Birth Day or a simple token maybe on Teacher’s Day or maybe a short get-well-soon-note when the teacher is SICK, blah, blah, blah. That if I had to count with my two hands all those individuals who have shown their gratitude in the open.

This is no whining. Just have the urge of expressing these unspoken thoughts of mine – once and for all. As I said, it is the thought that counts. For I do believe in a whispered prayer one inexpressive student can utter. For I still believe in a teacher’s lasting impact to one busy student would reminisce when time is no longer tight. For I always believe in a hidden love one shy student can do. And I strongly believe that every individual is thoughtful in his or her own way.

One thing that hasn’t happened in my past birthdays was receiving bulk of gifts. But thankful enough, I was surrounded with thoughtful people who had rejoiced with me in both silent and loud celebrations. Their thoughtfulness had taught me to be joyful still even when pockets were emptied. That’s when I also learned to be appreciative of the many wishes, of their endless prayers, of somebody’s sweet and harsh admonishes, and of friend’s touching encouragements amidst drought. This is not to sweet-lemon the scenario. I mean it, really!

So how will these pictures of colorful gifts justify all these?


Well, these are from thoughtful kids I have been taking cared of. Some wrapped and decorated the presents themselves. “What’s in there?” Hmm, I can hear your curious minds. Every box was at least filled with few sachets of coffee. Yes! You heard me right – crisp and clear.


Of course, how can daddy enjoy a hot drink without a mug to hold? It was another box from a thoughtful girl who has been waiting to see me sip a coffee from her present. I did with a thankful heart.


As I unpacked every colorful box big and small not a single why I asked because I knew what this gesture exactly signifies. We both know that I love drinking coffee every single day. And this is what I am talking about – kids have learned to remember things that I like. Sooner or later they will also learn to value what other people value. As simple as this and yet very touching.

What else? Oh, I received a cute, black torchlight (flashlight) during my birthday, surprisingly unexpected. For sure the giver knows that I go to the bathroom a lot from night to dawn. So torchlight might help lights the way off from snakes or scorpions or cow’s dung. I was planning to buy one lately but so kind and thoughtful of him.


And? Oh, some red and blue pens. I don’t need more actually but from the perspective of thoughtful learner teacher does need pens in season and out of season, whatever kind. This is more of being thoughtful than just a mere giver. I think so!


At times, an act of thoughtfulness will not be associated with giving or gift-giving if you prefer, but let us remind ourselves that it is the thought that counts. And there is nothing meaningful and heartwarming than a priceless gift from a sincere thought.

Be thoughtful!


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