Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Worth the Live and Learn

Although it’s not every experience worth the live and learn, but there us such kind that deserves an encore or an endless applause–perhaps to learn a thing or two. Capture that moment and treasure it like there is no tomorrow. Learn from every rare opportunity because they come for a reason–they come once in a million–to teach us, inspire us, and break us necessarily for the better. Jot them down in our hearts, not just by memory but by action until we get familiar with it. Some people call it a day-to-day experience or a journey if you prefer. Life in reality has a lot of these to give, but you just have to listen attentively to what men and women of the world have to demonstrate both in spoken words and in deeds–they are those who have been there, done that. Some of us had to learn it at an early age while the rest are the opposite, but it doesn’t matter for we learn in season and out. We learn in every ticking of the clock. After all, it is never too late to learn. I was told.

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