Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Like Sign

More than just catching a glimpse, the perfect location to spot hypocrites is on Facebook aside from unwanted peers and community. I got a lot of them in my friend’s list whose hypocrisy, indifference, and greed blown me away, unexplained. 

I’m not going to talk about this social network itself. For sure it is not the problem at all. And I don’t find any reason to distort the image of this supposedly wonderful way to catch up with family and friends. 

Few years ago I started blocking and unfriending people. I still do until today and will still do in the future. I had no other reason for doing so, but for their overwhelming selfishness–such character which gives me a bolt from the blue endlessly.

“How come those people don’t even know how to rejoice or mourn or at least appreciate others' circumstance by simply clicking the ‘like sign’ if writing a comment was truly a hassle,” I wondered like a million times. And I’d still ask the same thing if I forgot I really had an answer to that.

If “non-likers” is an existing compound word, then I’ll describe these people this–whose thinking and feeling are defined by dry affection towards others. They are worse than boring person and even worst like living dead. So indifferent!

They say they hate this social network, but you see them online the whole day or many times. The truth is they just don’t want to be part of someone’s life because it is another burden to carry. After all they are tired of understanding their own mystery and attitude problem. So get out of Facebook–two faced!

See those morons know how to post on their timelines too or they actually do as often as every day more than you can imagine. And there you found yourself clicking the “like sign” or left some comments. But they never care about yours–not even a second thought. What a greedy pigs!

I gave these people the benefits of the doubts like countless times and also second chances by unblocking and friending again. But then I got tired. So I blocked them again forever. 

Of course, it is always a choice. I know. And I shouldn’t be mad about this simple thing. I am not mad in fact. I’m just dumbfounded how people define “like sign” only for their own selfish interest. They really do.

Honestly, I don’t mind anyone getting hundred or thousand likes, it makes me happy. But I do mind when these greedy ones get theirs–they don’t deserve even just a single like. They should know that. Or perhaps they don’t know what this sign is for.  

It is trending now how reaction or more contemporary like signs are added to help you when words are just too long to express, but it don’t really matter to these non-likers. Please remember that it may be a nonsense gesture to click that “like sign” to someone who is greedy, but not to somebody. Keep clicking! 

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