Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Worth Visit


A three-day visit was too short a time, but the love that filled each heart was lasting; so mesmerizing. Those sweats and labors are worth reminiscing. Paul of Tarsus once said it – “your labor for the Master is not in vain.” Thanks for bringing the real joy, for showing the love of the Father, for offering your blessings sacrificially, and for sharing every amazing experience the kids will never forget. A big HUG goes to each one who came - straight from the kids and from all of us here.

The kids at the center had a wonderful time with you. No need to remind you of that – you knew it for sure. You have brought a lot of smiles and happiness even in a short course of time. Each goal was done superbly undeniable. For one reason - because you guys took a step with a willing heart to touch lives. The kids say…a trillion thanks!

Some of you could have gone somewhere else for a BIG holiday, but you sacrificially set aside a comfort for your selves. And such decision was no regret because it turned in another awesome journey for you to count on for the rest of your life; for eternity. Now I say… good for you and God bless each heart with manifold blessings!

To the rest who had flown so long distance just to visit us – it was another item to salute for. We understand how busy you really are back home, yet you also took a step without excuses. Amidst paradox of our age, you were able to bring the love of the Father to each kid comprehensively – in words and deeds. Words are not enough to thank you. So touched!

Motive check - we all had different agenda. For whatever hidden purposes we had at first, God has reminded us through our encounter with the kids. They captured each one of us teaching us to be more loving, to be more generous, and to be more caring. And when the Father has gathered each motive we had in the back of our minds, He turned them into ONE – to love the kids with the love of another kind, the Love of God. I was so amazed!


As cultural informants, you have brought new things for the kids to see your own belongingness (not to mention the dance). And so they did. The cultural exchange night may not be as important as the other programs, but you have taught those kids one thing. Let’s say a moral lesson to look back to – that amidst diverse heritages we can still be friends, we can still laugh together and dance, we can still be a loving family, and we can still be united in the name of Him that created us and made us diverse.


But what brought joy the most (in my case at least) was the idea of parenting some kids. Thanks to the idea of Ate Janeth who encouraged each one to do so. This made all the kids truly loved and cared.

They are no relations to you, and vice versa, but you have shown them the love of a true family – as loving mothers and fathers. And that love binds you together so happily. Now you have extended kids in virtue of God’s kingdom.

You were there to listen to their dreams and aspirations when no one took the same task; and when no one shared the same responsibility. They were like chicks with so fragile feathers. But you guys taught the how to soar and fly after their dreams. You have taught them to see what is ahead brightly with hopes by trusting to the One who owns time and destiny. They were encouraged!

You put those words into actions not just clanging cymbals. You have shared both spiritual and material blessings. That’s for sure how God desires each one to do. I do believe!


To me, I feel strengthened. I was like having a broken wings but you backed me up so I can flop again. It was a worth visit in deed. Thanks for sharing the burden and concerns. What more can I say? Thanks a lot and more power to you. Please, come again!

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