Monday, June 27, 2016


That is why we were born yesteryears or decades ago because it takes time to understand then live kindness out. It isn't just learned overnight.


I'm really picky about reading books, but that's not it - if it transformed the author first, only then I would find it worth spending time.

False Hopes

Whether you're on the side of believing or waiting or the one who lays down every false hope - never fancy anything like this. So vain.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Such Heart

If one could really define family or friendship or relationship without strings attached, that person is genuine then. Good for you who got such heart.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Being grateful isn't always twined with long-winded thoughts or simple words. After all it is the honesty of mind and earnestness of heart. Silence counts.